Today was the most rewarding of the course thus far. I came home on a complete high. Painting fish is a joy, and I got great feedback from my tutors (which is comforting in light of recent doubts/frustrations). Allan thinks it's my best painting to date, and George (in typically fabulous, extravagant manner) that it's 'epiphanic'! Critical acclaim aside (jokes), I really am pleased with the finished result. I had to work quickly seeing as the fishies were visibly wilting before my eyes, and this forced me to find a convincing short hand (for describing their translucence, slipperiness etc). I'm also pleased with the composition: the passage created by the slumped sardines. If I can apply the same excitement and economy to the rest of my work, then I'll really be making progress. Hope lives on!
This might just be the best one yet! It's beautiful, the fish are weighty and I love your markings and colours. It has an etherial feel to it. So glad you enjoyed working today.
Me likey beaucoup! x
Aww, thank you. Thought you might like it Tashie, seeing as it continues the fish theme! Haha
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